
What our clients are saying

“Spinnaker has the research tools and the analytical skills that help us understand and manage the expectations of our investors.”
Michael Doolan
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Molycorp Inc.

With more than 6,000 listed companies on the TSX and TSXV, it is imperative for a public company to have a clear and concise business plan. Further, the company must be properly positioned and presented to a targeted group of influencers with an objective to establish and expand the active following for its growth and financing requirements.

Spinnaker specializes in:

  • Diversifying and/or increasing institutional ownership.
  • Attaining retail investors and brokers’ support and following.
  • Garnering analyst coverage.
  • Deepening market intelligence.
  • Sharpening your investment story.
  • Strengthening IR resources.